Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Clean Mold From 35mm Slides

You can save them with a little help

Is mold eating Aunt Gladys? Maybe not literally, but mold could be attacking pictures of her. Those 35mm slides that everyone was taking back in the Day are great at preserving memories, but not so great at fighting off the effects of time. The sticky emulsion of the slides tends to attract dirt and dust, not to mention harboring a place where mold likes to live. Don't worry, Aunt Gladys can be saved.


1. Remove the slides from the cardboard container. This will help you clean the slide better and allow you to remove all the dirt.

2. Using a scanner and your favorite photo editing software, make a digital copy of the slide. There's a chance that the slide could be damaged when you're cleaning the slide by hand. This will provide you with a backup.

3. Use an antistatic, microfiber cloth to gently brush off the mold. Make sure that the cloth doesn't contain any harmful abrasives.

4. Dab a bit of your cleaning solution on the cotton cloth. Brush this across the slide.

5. Allow the slide to dry. Blow off any remaining cotton fibers or other particles with the compressed air.

Tags: Aunt Gladys, This will