Friday, March 16, 2012

Format An Olympus 2 Gb Xd Card

Digital single-lens reflex cameras have taken over the photography industry. DSLR cameras use memory cards to store pictures, rather than film. These types of memory cards can be reused over and over again to store pictures by clearing the old pictures from the card. The best way to clear all the photos from the memory card completely is to format the card after each shoot. You can do it from any computer with an XD memory card slot or an external card reader.


1. Insert the 2 GB XD memory card for your Olympus camera into the computer's XD card slot. If your computer does not have an XD card slot, you can use an external card reader.

2. Navigate to "My Computer" and locate the XD card's icon. If you are using a Mac, then the icon should appear on your desktop.

3. Right-click the XD card's icon and select the "Format" option. This opens the Format window.

4. Select the "Quick Format" option from the Format window and click "Start."

5. Remove the XD card from the computer after it's done formatting.

Tags: card slot, memory card, card icon, card reader, card slot external, external card