Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cool Answering Machine Ideas

Recording answering machine messages for callers to hear can be a lot of fun. Most people enjoy hearing a creative message when they dial your number and you aren't available. Put yourself in your callers' shoes. If the message is funny or witty to you, it probably will be for your callers. Try a few different answering machine ideas, and see which one allows you to hear your callers laughing or remarking about your message when they begin recording a message for you.

Play dumb

Ever heard those answering machine messages recorded by novices? Pretend you are a newbie by recording this message:

"OK! We finally got an answering machine, so let's figure out how this thing works. Hmmm, it says press the record button. I did that already. The light should be on. I don't see any light. Is this thing even working? Did you plug it in? Try pressing that other button there..." BEEP!

Laugh while they wait

You're sure to get a laugh from your callers when they hear this long message from your answering machine:

"We've received many complaints because of the length of our previous messages on our answering machine. Therefore: [begin to talk very quickly] Hi! You've reached Jim and Linda's at 555-1234. Go ahead and leave a message after the tone, followed by the pound key, the number eight, and then leave your full name and number. Then use the key pad to dial your name and press the numbers 6-3-1. Next, press the star key, set the phone down and do fourteen push-ups. Pick up the phone and restate your original message, press the pound key again and dial your phone number, area code first. Don't forget the '1' and please speak loudly. We'll call you back if you sound out of breath."

Fun and flirty

Newly married? Like to shock and stun your callers? This may be the one for you:

"Hi and thanks for calling Bob and Sue. We can't get to the phone right now because we're very busy doing something we love. You see, Bob likes doing it up and down, while Sue likes it side to side real slow-like. So go ahead and leave us a message, and when we're finished brushing our teeth, we'll call you back."

Avoid debt collectors

Tired of those frequent and annoying calls from creditors? Let your frustration shine with this message:

"I'm sorry, Jim and Mary are not here. Go ahead and leave your name and your number after the tone. And if you are calling about an outstanding debt, please leave your message before the tone. Have a nice day!"

College student

For the person who's hitting the books and booze often, this is sure to get a laugh:

"A is for academics and B is for beer. It's one of those reasons why I am not here. Leave me a message!"

Short and sweet

Catch your callers off guard by saying:

"Go ahead and leave a tone after the message. Thanks!"

Tags: your callers, ahead leave, answering machine, dial your, leave your, message when, when they