Thursday, December 30, 2010

Troubleshoot A Polaroid T831

The Polaroid T831 is a now-retired 8-megapixel camera. In addition to the 8 megapixels, the T831 offers an LED viewing screen, multiple function settings, an SD card slot, a rechargeable lithium-ion battery with charger and a USB computer cord to upload photos. If you are experiencing trouble with your Polaroid T831, take the time to go through a few tested troubleshooting techniques. Before getting frustrated, check the easiest steps first and work up to troubleshooting the more complex issues with the camera.


1. Open the battery housing on the bottom of the T831 and remove the lithium-ion battery. Plug the battery into the charger. Look for a green light. If no green light comes on, look for the red light indicating that the battery needs to be recharged.

2. Recharge the battery and put back into the camera. Insert the battery so the charge plates are touching the cameras plates --- match positive to positive and negative to negative.

3. Push the indicator dial to the green "auto" function. Make sure the dial is not stuck between settings at the indicator dial, then turn the camera on.

4. Open the SD card slot and make sure the card is in the camera. If not, you may have used up the internal memory, and the camera won't take more pictures. Place an SD card into the memory slot and turn the camera on.

5. Check the USB cord connection at the camera when transferring pictures. Check the cord's connections to both the camera and the computer and then make sure the dial is set to "auto." Turn the camera on and wait for the icon to appear on your computer's default photo software.

Tags: Polaroid T831, card slot, Check cord, green light, indicator dial