Monday, October 4, 2010

Doityourself Nanny Cams

Nanny cameras are a fairly modern way to keep an eye not only on your children but on the workers that you employ in your house. Advances in video and computer technology allow you to record everything that happens within your home and to view it in real time from your cellphone or laptop computer. Many companies provide a service to install multiple cameras and set the system up for you, but with a few tips anyone can set up his own nanny cams and ensure the safety of his children.

Choosing Equipment

The home surveillance market has been rapidly growing, with thousands of devices and services available. You can get cameras installed in teddy bears, alarm clocks, pens, ceiling fans and almost anything else you can think of. Go for high-resolution devices, at least 640x480, that can see in low light as well as record sound. You can use multiple devices in a single room, but it is often better to have one high-quality device versus several cheaper devices that don't get as good a view. Definitely start with a device in the $25 to $40 price range to get a feel for the quality before you spend hundreds of dollars on more expensive solutions.

Best Locations

When choosing locations in each room for devices, some people recommend concealing your cameras. This encourages visitors to your home to act normally as if they were not being observed. Other people argue that in practice it is often better to have one obvious camera in each room that has the largest field of view of the entire room. This way visitors know they are being observed and will be on their best behavior whether you are recording or not. You should couple this device with a smaller camera that is hidden and covers the blind spots in the room that the main camera does not see or hear. Try to make sure your main camera or your backup camera covers any entrances and exits to the room including windows. Also be sure to cover your child's favorite indoor and outdoor play areas.

Linking Devices

Once you have all of your devices successfully installed and connected to your personal computer, you just need a way to remotely view the images, sound and video it records. Fwink is free software that sets up an unique imaging website that is secure for you to access with your Internet-capable cellphone or laptop in order to get real-time updates from your security devices. The setup takes only a few minutes with the included tutorial. This final peace of mind makes sure that you are always in control of what happens in your own home while you are away.

Tags: your home, being observed, better have, cellphone laptop, each room