Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Compare Gps Models

Global positioning system (GPS) devices use satellite signals to determine the exact location of the device. This makes them helpful when driving, hiking, camping or traveling in an unknown area. Not all GPS devices are made alike, and even models offered by the same company can differ in their features. Compare the various characteristics of standard GPS devices to choose one that best fits your needs and lifestyle.


1. Compare the size and weight of the GPS devices. Some models are heavy and bulky and are intended to be hung or mounted in a vehicle. Other models are lightweight and compact and designed to be carried. The best size varies according to your intended use for the device and whether you need it to be portable or not.

2. Inspect the screens on the different models. Even devices that are the same size can have screens of different heights or widths. The bigger the screen, the better, especially when you're planing to use the device while driving. CNET recommends viewing the screen from different angles to make sure it's readable, even when you're not looking at it head-on.

3. Check the battery life. If you need a portable device, for hiking or camping, a long battery life is critical. Devices designed to be used in a car will often be attached to your car's power source, so battery life isn't as crucial.

4. Review the included maps. Many GPS models are regional, meaning they only come with built-in maps for a specific country or continent. This is fine if you don't plan on using it outside of the country or continent. If you need a GPS device for traveling abroad, make sure it either comes with maps preloaded or includes an option to download and install maps later.

5. See how many points-of-interest (POI) come on the GPS model's maps. POIs include gas stations, hotels and other attractions, and having them pre-marked saves you the trouble of having to enter addresses or search for them manually. The more, the better. Budget GPS devices often have a few hundred thousand POIs, while more expensive devices may have millions, according to GPS Magazine.

Tags: battery life, country continent, hiking camping, make sure, need portable, screens different