Monday, October 4, 2010

Burn Tivo Files Using Nero

With Tivo Desktop software you can download your recorded television shows and movies directly onto your computer. Once you have the program downloaded, you can burn it onto a DVD to watch wherever and whenever you like. Using a DVD burning software like Nero makes the job very easy. The Tivo Desktop software is free of charge (though you can purchase upgrades), while Nero's software varies in price depending on product specifications.


1. Set up your computer so it is connected to a wireless router. To download files from a Tivo you must do so over a wireless network.

2. Download the free Tivo Desktop software from Tivo's official site.

3. Connect your Tivo wireless adapter to your Tivo. The Tivo wireless adapter will connect to the back of your Tivo in the USB slot.

4. Set up your Tivo to access your wireless router through the "settings" options from Tivo Central. From "settings" go to "network" and follow all onscreen prompts. You will need to know the name and password for your router.

5. Open Tivo Desktop and choose which program you would like to download. Click on the title of the file (show or movie) and click on "start transfer." Your download speed will vary by computer.

6. Place a blank DVD-R into your computer's disk drive and open Nero.

7. Choose "DVD" from the drop-down menu, then "DVD Video" from the available options.

8. Name your DVD, then locate the file you would like to burn. The Tivo default file for downloads is "My Tivo Recordings."

9. Highlight the name of your file and then click on "burn."

Tags: Tivo Desktop, your Tivo, Desktop software, from Tivo, Tivo Desktop software, your computer, Tivo wireless