Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Straight Vs Angled Spotting Scopes

Straight spotting scopes are best for viewing objects on the ground.

Spotting scopes are convenient for outdoor activities like bird-watching, safaris and basic astronomy. They are lightweight and portable, unlike standard telescopes. The two most common types of spotting scopes are the straight and angled models.

Dimensions and Lenses

Whether straight or angled, most spotting scopes are 300 to 400 mm in length. The lenses are typically between 60 and 88 mm in size with zoom capabilities of 25x to 32x. Different zoom lenses are available, but higher magnifications reduce the field of vision.

Straight Scopes

Straight scopes are used to observe objects that are at eye level or on the ground. They are also better suited for viewing objects from moving vehicles than angled scopes, making them ideal for use on a safari. The straight model employs two lenses that bend the light to make it visible to the human eye.

Angled Scopes

Angled scopes are especially suited to bird-watching because they are ideal for observing objects above eye level. These scopes feature an eyepiece typically configured at a 45-degree angle to the rest of the scope. For best results, use the angled scope on a tripod.

Tags: spotting scopes, straight angled, viewing objects