Friday, November 25, 2011

Casio Scientific Calculator Instructions

Scientific calculators can calculate using exponents.

Casio manufactures electronic devices, including handheld scientific calculators. A Casio scientific calculator is designed for use in the sciences, including chemistry, biology, and physics. A scientific calculator is different from a regular calculator in many aspects, including the ability to calculate using scientific notation, logarithms, exponents, and fractions. There are a variety of different Casio scientific calculators, including the fx-82a and fx-115. Whichever calculator you choose, you should familiarize yourself with a few common functions you will need to master t0 be successful in a basic science class.


1. Familiarize yourself with the location of the different buttons on your calculator. Each calculator has buttons in a slightly different place. For example, the EXP button used for entering exponents, is left of the "equal" sign on the fx-82A and fx-115. On the fx-115/MS, the EXP key is located at the center of the bottom row.

2. Try a calculation using the EXP key. The EXP key is used to enter an exponent. For example, instead of entering 1x10^6 on the Casio scientific calculator, enter EXP 6. Some models, like the fx-82a, require you to enter the leading 1, meaning that you would have to enter 1 EXP 6 to enter the expression.

3. Learn use logarithms on your calculator. An example of a logarithm is log sub 10. This means log sub 10 is the power of 10 of a given number. For example, the log sub 10 of 100 is 2. On some scientific calculators, like the Fx-115/MS, you have to press the LOG key before you enter the number. On other models such as the fx-82a, fx-115, and fx-450, you have to press the LOG key after entering the number.

4. Figure out change from degrees to radians on your calculator. Each calculator will differ. On the fx-450, you would press MODE and then 4 for degrees, and MODE then 5 for radians, On the fx-115/MS, press Shift, ANS (DRG), then 1 for degrees or 2 for radians.

Tags: Casio scientific, scientific calculator, your calculator, calculate using, calculator Each, calculator Each calculator, degrees radians