Monday, February 24, 2014

What Vitamins Promote Hair & Nail Growth

Everyone loves healthy, beautiful hair and strong nails. There are many ways to help hair and nails grow faster, stronger and healthier. One way to ensure that you will have beautiful hair and nails is to receive an adequate amount of vitamins that promote their growth.

B Vitamins

Vitamins help promote healthy hair growth.

The B vitamins are vital in maintaining healthy hair and nails and can be taken in supplement form or by eating beans, eggs or berries.


Biotin can help promote hair and nail growth and can be found in oats, brown rice and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps the immune system function properly, resulting in healthier nails and hair. Vitamin A can be found in carrots and kale.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C encourages blood circulation to the scalp and follicles, which can speed hair growth. Vitamin C can be found in fruits, such as oranges and berries, or taken in supplement form.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps increase the uptake of oxygen into the cells of the body--thereby increasing the circulation to the scalp. Vitamin E can be found in nuts or in supplement form.

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