Friday, September 20, 2013

Gifts For Elderly People

Seniors and the elderly usually have enough "things" in their homes and don't need any more slippers, towel sets, sachets or knickknacks. Gifts they value most are the kind that give them more connection to their family and friends, help them manage tasks that are too time-consuming or difficult for them and provide them with new experiences.


As most grandparents will tell you, handmade gifts from grandchildren are a their favorite, so any gift that provides that same connection to family is still appropriate.

Giving a grandparent a new digital camera and perhaps paid attendance to a beginner's camera workshop would be a lovely package gift and will get him started on both a new hobby and a way to participate with family at get-togethers and events. A survey by Barchester Healthcare, which operates senior assisted living homes, found the top gifts desired by seniors were a digital camera and a Nintendo Wii gaming console.

Seniors can play Wii games with their peers, their children and grandchildren and can even connect online with the console. Some games also offer a low-impact physical activity that keeps elderly people more active in an easy, fun way.


Depending on the age and ability of the person, some household tasks, like yard work, appliance cleaning and even regular cleaning, may be beyond their physical stamina. Give your time and hands as a gift; make a weekly date with a senior to come over and clean out her tub, mop her floors or move heavy things, and finish the chores by having a cup of tea and chatting with her for a while. Your company and help will be appreciated.

If they live far, gift them handyman services for the yard or housecleaning help. You also can find stores that will delivery groceries to him or companies that will even deliver full meals if he isn't up to cooking constantly.

You also can help out in other ways; perhaps there is a spot in her home that she always means to organize but never does. Offer to go through all boxes and photos to put them into albums or scrapbooks that they can enjoy with the whole family. Or sort through and clean out an old shed or basement room that is full of items they he doesn't use anymore.

Make sure to present these gifts in a pretty way, such as in a handmade card or attached to a token small gift like a photo frame, seed packet or a new cleaning cloth to symbolize the actual gift.


In the later years of life, seniors and the elderly often prefer new experiences or special treats to the same old routine. Give him perishable foods that are a luxury to him, such as a monthly basket of fresh fruit or a hamper of fine cheeses and wines. Or book a sightseeing train trip, a hot-air-balloon ride, a spa day or some easy weekly lessons, such as senior yoga, swimming or dance. Sign her up for beginning computer courses at the local high school or community college, or give her a season pass to local museums.

For seniors who don't drive, make sure they can still get out around town by giving them a passbook full of public transportation coupons. For the elderly who do drive, give them gift certificates to some favored restaurants or shops in town or movie gift certificates. Or go with him to the movies or dinner, and the gift will be doubly appreciated.

Tags: digital camera, gift certificates, gift will, give them, that will