Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ge Quiet Power 2 Dishwasher Troubleshooting

There are a number of problems that might occur with your Whirlpool Quiet Power 2 dishwasher, but this does not necessarily mean there is a major problem with the appliance. In many instances, the minor issues that plague your washer are caused by you. The Whirlpool Quiet Power 2 dishwasher owner's manual recommends you attempt to troubleshoot the appliance, or attempt to fix minor issues yourself before calling for service.


Dishwasher Doesn't Operate Properly

1. Press on the dishwasher door and lock the latch to ensure it is tightly closed.

2. Visit your home's circuit breaker box and ensure that the breaker switch is in the On position. If the switch is turned Off, flip it over to the On position.

3. Wait a few moments if the washer seems to repeatedly stop and start during a cycle. Some cycle settings require repeated pauses. This is normal.

Dishwasher Runs Too Long

4. Wait about three and a half hours before opening the dishwasher if you are washing a heavily soiled load. Some wash cycles require more time than others.

5. Use cooler water if you want the wash time to take a shorter amount of time. When the heating of water is included in a wash load, the amount of time required to wash the load increases.

6. Be patient during the first wash after installing the dishwasher. This first wash will include two additional rinses, which increases the amount of time it requires to finish washing the load.

Dishes Not Dry

7. Include a rinse aid in the dishwasher when starting the load. The Whirlpool Quiet Power 2 is designed to be used with a rinse aid. The rinse aid expedites the drying of the dishes.

8. Avoid stuffing and cramming as many dishes as possible into the dishwasher. Doing so makes it more difficult for dishes to fully dry.

9. Wipe plastics dry with a towel. Plastics do not dry as efficiently as metals or glass items do.

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