Monday, September 21, 2009

Tips On Taking Family Portraits

Family portraits are a wonderful way to capture a moment of childhood and will provide joy for the whole family for years. Many parents prefer to save money on a photographer and have a family member or friend help take their family portraits. A little bit of planning and education can help parents get the family portraits that they are looking for for a fraction of the cost of paying a photographer.

Schedule the Time

It is best to schedule a family photo session during a time when every one in the family will be well rested, fed, and not in a rush to be anywhere. Family portraits, especially when you are working with young children, can take a bit of time. Parents should prepare as many things before hand as they can to avoid feeling rushed and stressed because kids will pick up on that and react in the same way.

Make the Photo Session Fun

Natural smiles are much more appealing in photographs than forced smiles from unhappy children. Make the family photo session fun by being animated, encouraging family members to interact, and break up the session with some play time to help children get some extra energy out. Children will be much more likely to cooperate for family portraits if they are having a good time.

Use Quality Photo Equipment

The better the photo equipment parents use, the better quality of pictures they will receive, but a nice point and shoot does have the ability to capture some wonderful shots. A camera with at least 7 mega pixels should be used. Parents could consider asking a family friend with a good camera to help take their pictures. Even basic cameras can be used to capture wonderful family photos if the photographer takes advantage of good lighting conditions, holds the camera steady and composes the picture well.

Use Creative Poses

Parents can pose their family in creative ways to make family portraits more interesting. Try a variety of poses so that you have several to choose from after the photo shoot is over. Position family members closer together than you feel that they need to be to create a better final shot and fill the frame of the camera with people instead of background.

Tags: camera with, family members, family photo, family photo session, family portraits, family portraits, help take