Thursday, December 27, 2012

View Tivo Recordings On A Mac Or Ipod

Now you no longer need Windows in order to view your TiVo recordings on your Mac or iPod. You can make a media center that can save one severything TiVo records. Once the process is done you will be able to watch everything you recorded on your TiVo on your Mac or your video iPod.


Install and Set up Galleon

1. Go to the site where you can download Galleon and download it and then set it up.

2. Make the destination folders. You will need to make two folders, one for incoming files and another for decoded files.

3. Enter the "Media access key" into "File, Properties" and then check the program's preferences to make sure that the download folder is the temp folder and not the final destination.

4. Go into the "File, ToGo" menu and then to the "Rules" tab. Now you can tell Galleon to automatically download shows that match the information you give.

Build TiVo Decode

5. Find the program from the project site and build it, which is very simple to do. With the "Developer Tools" go into the directory Tarbell expanded and run, "$ make."

6. You will find the tivodecode, the binary, in a directory that is called "objects.dir."

7. Place the binary code somewhere useful where you can get to it easily.

Setup the Conversion Script

8. You will now look in a folder and decode the files in it and put them in a different folder.

9. The files will still be on your TiVo and you will see a line of hashes where you will put your "Media access key." It will not be able to work without the key.

10. Change the "SOURCE_DIR" and "OUTPUT_DIR" items as needed for the system you are using. If they include spaces you must use quotes.

Setup Launchd

11. Use the queue directory feature to start Launchd above script when there is a file to process in the folder.

12. Change the paths to match where you will be putting things. The item in QueueDirectories is the folder that you already made.

13. Save this file in ~/Library/LaunchAgents so it starts when you login and then load it with launchctl load [filename] to get it started or logout/login.


14. If you want to get the MPEG-2 streams into Front Row you will need to have a Quick Time codec, which you can buy for $20 at the Apple Store.

15. You can also transcode the video to MPEG-4 transcoding. Using a copy of VLC take the code after decoding it and start to transcode to MPEG-4 for Front Row. You can also do this for your iPod with some careful option sets.

16. Use this script in order to transcode an MPEG-2, or any video file, into a file you can use for your iPod using VLC. Run the script, fixing the location of VLC, and it will automatically covert any file that passes through it into a file that you will be able to play on a video iPod that has firmware and on a Mac.

17.Complete the transcoding as you will need this in iTunes in order to sync it to your iPod. Once in iTunes you can view the shows on your Mac or on your iPod once you have synched your iPod.

Tags: your iPod, will able, will need, your TiVo, file that, into file