Friday, December 21, 2012

Change The Megapixels On A Nikon D40

It's simple to change the megapixels on your Nikon 40D.

There are a number of reasons to change the number of megapixels on a photo you are about to shoot. If you want to increase the number of photos you can fit on a memory card, or reduce the amount of space they take up on your computer, one option is to reduce the number of megapixels. If you want the highest quality photo available, or plan to make a very large print, you will want to increase the megapixels as much as possible.


1. Turn the camera on and go to the menu function. On the top right corner of the camera, turn the switch to the "on" position. Then, turn the camera over. Press the "Menu" button, located on the left side of the LCD screen.

2. Navigate to the "Image Size" setting. Using the up and down arrow buttons, located on the right side of the LCD screen, scroll down until you find the camera icon located second from the top of the menu screen. Depending on the last menu setting, you may have to push the left arrow to navigate back to the icons, and then navigate up or down to the camera icon. Once the camera icon is highlighted, push the right arrow button. This will control the camera settings menu. Scroll up or down in order to highlight "Image Size".

3. Choose the size (or megapixels) of the pictures you want the camera to take. With "Image Size" highlighted, push the right arrow button. A new menu window will open to display three size choices. Scroll up or down to reach the desired size. Once the size you want is highlighted, click the right arrow button to set the size. The screen will revert back to the camera settings (camera icon) menu. The right side of the menu will indicate "L" for the largest size. "M" for the medium size. Or "S" for the smallest size.

4. Close the menu. Push the "Menu" button once to remove the highlight from the "Image Size" setting. Push the "Menu" button a second time to close the menu. You are now ready to take pictures in the megapixel size of your choice.

Tags: camera icon, Image Size, arrow button, Menu button, right arrow, right arrow button