Thursday, October 11, 2012

Download From Tivo

TiVo is a digital video recorder that saves your favorite programs and lets you watch them whenever you like. TiVo has enhanced this "on-your-own-terms" mentality with the release of TiVo Desktop for Windows and the inclusion of TivoToGo. This allows you to transfer your recorded shows or movies from your network-connected TiVo to your home computer.


1. Ensure your TiVO is connected to your home network. Do this by connect an ethernet cable from your router or modem to the back of your TiVo.

2. Download the free TiVo Desktop software from TiVo's website. (See Resource 1 below.)

3. Log into your TiVo account on the website and enable transfers in your account settings. This may be on by default already.

4. Open TiVo Desktop and select "Pick recordings to transfer."

If you have more than TiVo box in your house, you will have the option of selecting which box you'd like to make the transfers from.

5. Select the programs you want to transfer and click "Start transfer." You can view the progress of this action by selecting "Transfer status."

Tags: TiVo Desktop, from your, TiVo your, your home