Friday, July 20, 2012

Turn A Film Camera Into A Digital Camera

Medium format cameras, like the one pictured here, can use both film and digital capture, with the use of a digital back.

While the basics of the camera remain the same between a film and digital camera, at present it is not possible to convert a film camera into a digital camera yourself. There are a couple of exceptions. Medium format cameras that use film backs, can be easily converted to a digital camera by using a digital back instead of a film one. Digital backs for these cameras are expensive ranging in the tens of $1000's of dollars. Leica also made a digital back for their 35mm single lens reflex cameras. The film door was removed and the digital attachment was attached. Again this was a considerable investment. You can however get digital files from your film camera.


1. Load your favourite roll of film into your camera and shoot the number of images the film will take.

2. Rewind the film back into the canister and take the film to your favourite retailer for processing.

3. Request that the images from the role of film be scanned onto a photo CD. Some retailers will replace the prints they would normally print with this service. It is best to ask around to see what options exist in your city. Ask the retailer to scan the images so they will produce an 8x12" image at 300dpi. This will give you sufficient resolution for other types of enlargements you may want to print in the future.

Tags: digital back, digital camera, format cameras, Medium format, Medium format cameras, your favourite