Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Ford Cd Changer Won'T Eject

CD changers can jam up for a variety of reasons.

Ford automobiles sometimes come equipped with CD changers, devices that allow you to load multiple compact discs into them at once and switch through them via the stereo face or a remote installed in the center console. Like anything else, they can malfunction form time to time, and may not properly eject your discs. Checking a few trouble spots on both the stereo and the car may fix this problem and save you money on a new CD changer.


1. Make sure there aren't two CDs loaded into the same slot in your changer. If this has happened your changer will likely jam and not eject. Performing this task will depend on the model of changer you are using. Some trunk-located external CD changers will let you open them up and change CDs in and out at will, while other external models and dashboard-embedded consoles will require dismantling. Read the CD changer's user manual for proper instructions on do this; if none are provided you may have to seek professional assistance.

2. Check for any loose or damaged wiring that may lead to functions of your CD changer not operating properly. Intermittent problems with the CD changer are a good sign that something is not tightly connected. The changer's ground wire, a wire that acts as a conductor and completes the electrical circuit required for the CD changer to function, is the likely culprit in this case. Tightening it to the car or replacing it should remedy the problem.

3. Check your car's fuses to make sure none have blown. These are typically located in the glove box, under the hood or under the dashboard of your car. Check the fuse map located on the lid of the box; one should say "stereo" or "CD changer" or something else to this effect. Each fuse has a small metal pin on the inside of it which is made visible by a transparent plastic coating. If this coil is snapped or shows clear signs of being burnt you have a bad fuse. The size of the fuse is indicated by a number on the top so you know what fuse you need to replace it with.

4. Have your car battery tested to make sure it is holding enough of a charge to fully operate your CD changer. Any operations that use moving parts, such playing or ejecting a CD, require more electricity to work than other functions. This is often a problem with after-market modifications; the battery simply may not be powerful enough to run larger speaker systems than the ones originally installed. Other signs of this problem may be slow-moving automatic windows and dim lights in and outside of the car. Many auto parts stores offer free battery testing; if your battery is low you may need a new one. You should also consult a professional car audio installer on a proper battery for operating additional devices.

Tags: your changer, this problem, your battery