Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Use An Infrared Camera Lens

Photography is all about light. We do many things to produce good photos, but in the end, the light dictates the result of the picture. Infrared light is all around us; we just can't see it. But many digital cameras can. Using an infrared lens, which filters out varying degrees of wavelength light, is one way to produce unusual and interesting photographs.


1. Point a TV or VCR remote at your camera and push a button on it. If you see the infrared beam through the viewfinder, then you can use your camera to shoot in infrared with the proper lens.

2. Buy an infrared lens for your camera. The choices vary depending on the amount of wavelength light the lens filters out.

3. Use your LCD viewfinder to see your subject. You can purchase a screen hood and magnifier to help you see the viewfinder during bright light.

4. Adjust your shutter speed. You need to play with this to see what is going to work, depending on what you're shooting. Try 1/15 and 1/8 for starters.

5. Prepare yourself for a surreal experience. Some plants and animals glow. People's eyes can look bizarre.

6. Use photo editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop, to balance out the color tones or grayscale your photos.

Tags: your camera, infrared lens, wavelength light