Friday, June 24, 2011

Reprogram A Tivo Hard Drive

Every once in awhile a problem may occur when the only solution is to wipe your Tivo's hard drive clean and reprogram it to rectify the issue. A power surge, moving locations or a number of other things can stop your Tivo from working properly. Thankfully, reprogramming your Tivo is a simple process to complete. All you need is your trusty Tivo remote and a good 30 minutes to spare.


1. Press the Tivo button at the top of your remote.

2. Scroll down to "messages & settings" and press select.

3. Scroll down to "restart or reset your system" and press select.

4. Scroll down to "clear & delete everything" and press select. Your Tivo will now reset itself to factory settings.

5. Click on "Guided Set Up" once the Tivo is done rebooting itself.

6. Follow the onscreen prompts to finish the set up. You will have to know your zip code, type of cable box (if any) and home network information (if any). Once you finish this step your Tivo hard drive will be reprogrammed.

Tags: your Tivo, press select, Scroll down, press select Scroll, select Scroll, select Scroll down, Tivo hard