Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Set Up A Stereo System

While these instructions presume a basic stereo receiver, the connection process would be the same for higher-end components (multi-channel receiver, an integrated amplifier, or a separate pre-amplifier and power amplifier). You would just have additional connections to make.


Connect Turntable to Receiver

1. Connect turntable to input labeled "Phono."

2. Connect green grounding wire to grounding pin or screw on receiver, or loosen a screw on receiver chassis, and connect wire to screw, then tighten securely.

3. Connect RCA cables (usually hardwired to turntable) to receiver. Connect red plug to jack with red band or marked "Right." Connect black plug to other jack or jack marked "Left."

Connect Line-level Signal Source Components to Receiver

4. Connect RCA cables to back of CD player.

5. Connect red plug to jack with red band or marked "Right." Connect black plug to other jack or jack marked "Left."

6. Connect other ends of cables to jacks labeled "CD" or "CD Player" on back of receiver.

7. Repeat these steps for all other line-level playback components. (Find appropriately labeled inputs or use "Aux" input.)

8. Connect cassette deck (or other recorder) outputs to jacks on receiver labeled "Tape In," "Tape 1," "Tape Play," or similarly. Outputs are usually labeled "Line Out" or "Playback."

9. Connect cassette deck inputs to jacks on receiver labeled "Tape Out," "Record Out," or "Tape 1 Out." Inputs are usually labeled "Line In" or "Record."

Connect Receiver to Speakers

10. If your receiver or speakers have "bare wire" connectors, strip and twist the ends of the wire. If your receiver or speakers accept connectors such as spades or banana plugs, add connectors to speaker wire if necessary.

11. Connect one pair of wires for the left speaker (meaning the speaker that is to your left as you face the speakers and receiver).

12. Connect positive terminals of receiver to positive terminals of speaker, and connect negative terminals of receiver to negative terminals of speaker. Speaker wire is labeled + or -, or each lead is a different color or has a color-coding strip. Outputs on receiver and inputs on speakers are labeled + and -.

13. Securely tighten the lugs or binding posts on receiver and speakers.

14. Install the wires for the right speaker the same way.

15. Position the speakers. Place the two speakers away from the walls, at the corners of an equilateral triangle (with your listening position as the third corner). Start with the speakers about 6 to 8 feet apart and angled to face each other slightly. Experiment to achieve the ideal positioning.

Tags: your receiver speakers, band marked, band marked Right, black plug, black plug other, cassette deck