Friday, June 17, 2011

Fix A Turntable Stylus

A good stylus on your turntable is an integral part of a well-functioning hi-fi sound system. To keep a turntable in proper working order, you must do maintenance on its stylus from time to time. Repairing the stylus on a turntable is easy to do and requires just a little research.



1. Find out what kind of stylus your record player takes (see Resources).

2. Consult your record player manual for instructions on install a new stylus on your model of turntable.

3. If you don't have a manual, take a look at your stylus. Most record players are designed for the stylus to simply slide out with little effort.

4. After you remove the worn out stylus, slide the new stylus in the same place.

Changing the needle

5. Determine what kind of needle is compatible with your stylus (see Resources).

6. Consult your manual for instructions on install a new needle.

7. If you don't have a manual, try gently and smoothly pulling on the needle with a pair of tweezers. The needle should come out. Be gentle.

8. Using the tweezers, insert the new needle into the same hole until it is securely embedded.

Tags: stylus your, Consult your, have manual, instructions install, manual instructions