Friday, December 13, 2013

Shoot With Clamshell Studio Lighting

Clamshell lighting can be accomplished with simple off-camera flash guns.

Clamshell studio lighting is a simple lighting arrangement based off of the butterfly lighting arrangement. However, rather than placing the lights side by side parallel to the subject, clamshell lighting puts one above and one below. Used with highly portable gear such as lightweight stands, umbrellas and flashes, clamshell lighting is easy to set up on location at most shoots. It can help aspiring portrait photographers bring in top-notch portfolio pieces for relatively little cost.


Clamshell Studio Lighting

1. Position the first light stand low to the ground. Tilt the umbrella and the strobe upward slightly toward the subject. Set the flash to 1/16 power.

2. Position the second light stand above the first light stand, with a foot or more of space between the umbrella of light stand one and light stand two. Tilt the umbrella and flash slightly downward toward the subject. Set the flash to 1/8 power.

3. Set the third light stand 7 feet behind the subject at a 45-degree angle to camera left. Raise the light stand so the strobe is at least 7 feet off of the ground. Tilt the umbrella up so that the light will reflect down onto the back of the subject. This is a kicker light. Set the flash to 1/8 power.

4. Check that each of the remote receivers is on the same wireless channel, and that the remote trigger matches that channel.

Photograph the subject. Adjust light power levels on the strobes for the desired effect.

Tags: light stand, flash power, Tilt umbrella, Clamshell Studio, Clamshell Studio Lighting, first light, first light stand