Thursday, November 28, 2013

How Digital Picture Frames Work


Digital picture frames display photos on an LCD screen. There are many screen resolutions available on the market. Generally, the cheaper digital frames will have low resolutions and a resultant poor picture quality. Look for a resolution of at least 640x480 pixels. With the image quality available on newer SLRs, users may want to look at higher resolution frames, including some that offer HD level resolution.

Memory Cards

Digital picture frames rarely have internal memory, and when they do, it is not enough to display more than a few images. They work by displaying images from a memory card that is inserted into the frame. Most support SD and Compact Flash type memory cards. Some also support Sony Memory Stick and Olympus/Fuji XD memory card. Using a card reader is the simplest way to transfer photos from a computer onto a memory card. After doing so, insert the card into the frame and start playing images.

Bells and Whistles

Many digital picture frames have additional bells and whistles, such as remote controls, different slide show modes that can be adjusted to change the display time, and some even have built-in WiFi and Internet browsers, making it easy to upload or download photos from the memory card to a storage site like Flickr on the Web.

Tags: memory card, picture frames, from memory, from memory card, into frame, photos from