Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Make A Speaker Stand With Milk Crates

Milk crate furniture is popular with college students, thrifty families and broke bachelors. Milk crates can look like cheap, plastic furniture substitutes, or with a little effort they can look funky and eclectic. Milk crate speaker stands are easy to make and assemble in an hour or less.


1. Get milk crates from grocery stores, wholesale suppliers or dairy farms. If you have trouble finding used milk crates, office supply stores sell knock-off milk crates for around $10.

2. Place your speakers in the area you want them, and make sure there is room for the milk crates. Put the speaker on the milk crate and check the sturdiness and stability of the speaker and crate.

3. Tie two crates together with a zip cord, if your speaker is too large for one crate. For added height you can stack the milk crates, zip-tie them together and then zip-tie them to nails in the wall for stability.

4. Decorate your milk crates so they match your decor. You can spray paint them or drape a piece of material over them. If you're not creative, paint them black, which works well in most rooms and matches the speakers.

5. Put your speaker on the finished milk crate and crank up the music.

Tags: milk crates, milk crate, paint them, your speaker, zip-tie them