Friday, March 18, 2011

Craft With Pvc Pipe

PVC pipe can be used for more than plumbing.

PVC pipe is a plumbing material that can double as an inexpensive building material for craft projects. This flexible plastic pipe is available in various diameters to make craft projects such as a garden trellis or an arbor. The pipe cuts easily with the right tools and can be camouflaged with both acrylic and latex paint. Join lengths of pipe together with PVC fittings in the same diameter as the pipe to create your designs. Running PVC pipes for pluming requires specific adhesive, but you can use waterproof glue to attach the pipes and fittings together for craft purposes.



1. Cut two strips of 3/4-inch diameter PVC pipe equal to the desired height of the trellis. These are the vertical supports. Cut three strips of 3/4-inch diameter PVC pipe equal to the desired width of the trellis. These pipes are the horizontal supports.

2. Glue a 3/4-inch diameter PVC elbow fitting to one end of each vertical support pipe using waterproof construction adhesive. This end is the top of the trellis.

3. Slide a 3/4-inch diameter slip-T PVC pipe over the open end of one vertical support pipe. Turn the "T" opening to line up with the elbow fitting opening at the end of the pipe. Glue the fitting in the desired location of the top horizontal support pipe. Follow the same process to add a second slip-T fitting to the same vertical support pipe in the desired location to the bottom horizontal support pipe.

4. Follow the same process to glue two PVC slip-T fittings on the second vertical support pipe in the exact location as the two on the first vertical support pipe.

5. Spread waterproof construction adhesive inside each of the fitting openings on both vertical support pipes. Insert the three PVC pipes cut for the width of the trellis into the three opposing sets of pipe fittings. Allow the adhesive to dry up to 72 hours.

6. Insert two rebar poles halfway in the ground where you plan to stand the trellis. Fit the open end of each vertical support pipe over the rebar poles.


7. Cut five 16-inch strips of PVC pipe. Drill 1/8-inch diameter holes straight through one end of each pipe, 1/2 inch from the end.

8. Cut five 12-inch long strands of fishing line. Slide one pipe to the center of each line.

9. Tie the ends of each line over a 7-inch diameter metal craft ring. Space the pipes evenly around the ring. Glue the lines to the ring with waterproof construction adhesive.

10. Tie two strands of fishing line across the center of the craft ring so that the lines cross in the middle. Hook a small S hook over the crossed lines to hang the wind chimes.

Tags: support pipe, vertical support, vertical support pipe, 4-inch diameter, construction adhesive, diameter pipe, waterproof construction