Thursday, March 17, 2011

Clean Your Camcorder Lens

The lens of your camcorder is a very delicate piece of equipment and should be taken care of to the best of your ability. Though most lenses rarely need to be cleaned, when they do, it is a very careful process and should be taken seriously. Here is clean your camcorder lens.


1. Examine the lens. You need to see what is making your lens dirty. The most common items are dust, dirt, and fingerprints.

2. Gently blow on your lens. This should remove any dust or dirt that lingers. Be sure to then recheck the lens to see if it is still dirty.

3. Look into purchasing special cleansing cloths. Go to a store that specializes in cameras and ask them for specific cleansing cloths for your lens.

4. Gently use the cloth for cleaning. Don't press to hard on the lens or break the protective lens coating.

5. For dirt, consider using a brush. They also have special cleansing brushes at camera stores. Use the brush very lightly as well as not to scratch the lens' protective coating.

6. For fingerprints, consider lens cleaner solution and cleansing cloths. These can also be purchased at camera stores. If you purchase these, ask for specific directions on usage so you do not damage your lens.

Tags: your lens, cleansing cloths, camera stores, dust dirt, should taken, special cleansing