Thursday, March 10, 2011

Adjust Eyeglasses For A Photo Shot

Pay attention to the position of your camera flash and your subject before taking a photograph of someone wearing eyeglasses.

Taking photographs of people who wear eyeglasses can cause a challenge when using a flash. Because of the position of on-camera flashes, the sudden burst of light tends to create a glare if the light bounces off of the glass lenses. When taking photos of someone wearing glasses, pay careful attention to the position of the glasses they are wearing in relationship to the flash on your camera to minimize the chance of flash glare.


1. Turn off the red-eye reduction setting on your digital camera. Newer model digital cameras have a built-in feature that helps to eliminate red-eye in photographs by emitting two separate bursts of light from the flash. By turning off the red-eye reduction feature, you allow the camera flash to only emit a single light burst and minimize the chance of flash glare on eyeglasses.

2. Position your photo subject with his chin pointed downward slightly or have him push his glasses up farther on the bridge of his nose. By making these position adjustments, you will eliminate the direct path of the flash to the subject's eyeglasses.

3. When using a digital camera, take advantage of the preview screen located on the back of the camera to test your positioning. Look for any glare from the flash that may be present, and change the position of either the subject or the position of her eyeglasses slightly to correct for the flash glare.

Tags: flash glare, attention position, camera flash, chance flash, chance flash glare, digital camera