Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Take Apart A Nikon Zoom Lens

Nikon lenses should be disassembled with care.

Camera lenses are complex devices that contain circuits, lenses and delicate parts such as the aperture and drive mechanism. When disassembling any camera lens, take care not to damage any of these parts and to keep the environment as free from dust and dirt as possible. Nikon zoom lenses are similar in construction to other brands of lenses, so these instructions will work for any type of zoom or standard lens.


1. Remove the rear lens cover and locate the small screws on the bayonet mount. Remove the screws and lift the bayonet ring, taking care not to damage the circuit board under it.

2. Pry the connectors free from the circuit board using the flat-head screwdriver. Remove the three screws on the rear element using a Philips-head screwdriver and carefully remove the rear element.

3. Disconnect the circuit board and gently remove it. Set it aside in a place where it will not be damaged.

4. Remove the rear lens element carefully and set it aside.

5. Remove the remaining screws using the Philips-head screwdriver. Separate the outer and inner tubes, pulling them apart gently.

6. Disconnect the wiring harness from the drive and pull it apart from the front lens element and focus ring. Use the microfiber cloth to clean the lens elements before reassembling the lens.

Tags: circuit board, care damage, free from, lens element, Philips-head screwdriver, rear element, rear lens