Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Use A Tamron Macro Lens

Insects are popular subjects in macro photography.

Shooting with a Tamron macro lens magnifies your subjects so you can obtain greater details in your photographs. In essence, macro lenses achieve close-up photography, and any lens with a 1:1 to 1:4 ratio is considered to be a macro lens. A 1:1 ratio lens is referred to as life-size because the subject size in the photograph is the same size as it is in real life. Macro lenses are necessary if you want to enlarge details in your subjects, but you also need patience to make the lenses work for you. For example, sharp images are difficult to attain because the closer you move to a subject, the shallower your depth of field and focusing capabilities. However, there are some tips you can follow to get amplified images without sacrificing clarity or sharpness.


1. Increase your depth of field by using smaller apertures (higher F-stops).

2. Use a tripod to steady your shot. Shooting with a macro lens amplifies the subject but also makes any hand-held camera movements more noticeable. A tripod helps to eliminate any hand-shaking that could affect the focus and sharpness in a photograph. Use a smaller aperture, a flash and faster shutter speeds, if possible, to get sharper images if you are going to handhold while taking photographs with a Tamron macro lens.

3. Use a flash or a reflector to allow more light into the shot. This will aid in greater sharpness and reduce loss of details in an image. For small objects, a flash diffuser is an alternative to decrease brightness and avoid overexposure.

4. Choose an appropriate background for your subject. Macro photography tends to blur backgrounds because nearly all of the focus is placed on the close-up subject. However, the background is important and can add more depth and clarity to an image.

5. Shoot macro photographs in controlled environments whenever possible. Windy days make it difficult to shoot sharp, close-up shots. However, if you take photographs indoors (away from blurring elements), you'll end up with sharper macro images.

Tags: macro lens, depth field, details your, Shooting with, Tamron macro, Tamron macro lens, with Tamron