Thursday, August 27, 2009

Use The Nikon D1x To Shoot Weddings

Choose the Nikon D1x for extra versatility in wedding shoots.

Shooting weddings using the Nikon D1x can be tricky because this camera shoots 5.4-megapixel images, a size significantly smaller than many current digital cameras. However, Nikon designed this camera for professional use, so the durable case, easy-to-locate functions and reliability lead photographers to seek out the D1x. Using this camera for a wedding shoot requires practice and becoming well acquainted with the process of quickly switching controls.


1. Set your camera to the appropriate image size, file type and quality. This determines how large your files are, how much data is kept or lost, and whether or not in-camera processing is applied to the images. The D1x offers standard, compressed .jpeg, uncompressed .tiff and both compressed and uncompressed .nef, or RAW, file types.

2. Charge and test your camera battery and backup battery. Having more than one battery with a complete charge will help avoid problems with drained batteries, which can happen quickly when working with the D1x.

3. Insert a compact flash card into the D1x's memory card slot.

4. Select your lenses. The Nikon D1x uses Nikon F-mount lenses. Test each lens to ensure that it's clean and to check the functions available when using the D1x. Older lenses may have reduced functions, such as a lack of auto-focus or metering functions. You will need several lenses to shoot a wedding with a D1x, including zoom lenses, wide-angle lenses and lenses with a variety of aperture settings.

5. Attach your chosen lens by aligning the white dot on the lens with the white dot on the camera body near the lens mount. Insert the lens into the mount and twist until secure.

6. Familiarize yourself with D1x modes and select one appropriate for the speed of shooting and the amount of artistic control desired. The D1x has a fully manual mode as well as a number of semi-automatic modes that allow the freedom of automatic programming with the artistic control of manual settings.

Programmed auto mode allows you to choose between preset apertures and shutter speeds based on the meter reading. Aperture priority allows you to select the aperture with the camera selecting the shutter speed, and shutter priority allows you to select the shutter speed with the camera choosing the appropriate aperture. Choose your mode, using manual mode if you feel comfortable, or a semi-automatic mode that's appropriate for your lighting and scene.

7. Select your ISO. This is the sensitivity of the sensor in the back of the D1x, which ranges from 125 to 3200. Low light situations will use a higher ISO, whereas bright situations use a lower ISO. The D1x has quite a bit of digital noise at the upper end of the ISO scale, so use lower ISOs when possible.

8. Meter your image if you are using manual mode. Press the D1x shutter button halfway and look through the lens to view the meter. Adjust your aperture or shutter speed accordingly.

9. Take your picture and review on the LCD screen.

Tags: manual mode, shutter speed, this camera, allows select, artistic control, priority allows