Monday, October 29, 2012

Maps To Mapsend

MapSend is the mapping software used for older Magellan handheld GPS units. Some GPS units have virtually unlimited storage space using memory cards, while others have a limited amount of internal memory. You need to upload the map to the GPS from the MapSend software. Once you have uploaded the map to your GPS device, you can view the map on the GPS unit's screen as you travel.


1. Plug the GPS into a data port on your PC using the cable that came with the device. Depending on the device, the cable may be USB or a 9-pin serial cable.

2. Open the MapSend software from the Programs menu on your PC.

3. Click the "Regions" menu at the top of the screen and select "New." The pointer will change to a selection tool.

4. Select the area of the map you want to add to your GPS device. If you select the wrong area, press the "Esc" key to deselect. Click "Regions" and select "Cut." Type a name for the map and click "OK."

5. Check the box next to the new map region in the Saved Regions List.

6. Click the "Regions" menu and select "Upload to GPS."

Tags: Click Regions, Click Regions menu, MapSend software, Regions menu, your device