Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Process Slide Film At Home

Process Slide Film at Home

Processing slide film is trickier than processing black and white print film. Only attempt this once you are comfortable with processing print film. You need to ensure that you have the chemicals at exactly the right temperature (38C). Also, don't forget that chemicals for processing slides have a much shorter shelf life than those for black and white print film; they can last less than a week. If you feel confident in your processing abilities, then processing your own slide film is a good choice; you will have greater control over your results.


Processing Slide Film at Home

1. Purchase an E6 kit made by Tetenal, Beseler, or Kodak. This kit contains all the chemicals needed to process slide film and will also provide instructions, including strict time and temperature guidelines. The kit might be difficult to find these days; look at B&H or Adorama.

2. Follow the directions included in the E6 kit to prepare the chemicals. You will need to follow the time and temperature guidelines as closely as possible. To get the chemicals to the appropriate temperature, place them in their containers inside a cooler filled with water. Mix hot and cold water until you get the appropriate temperature. This takes some patience.

3. Make sure your room is light-tight. Stuff towels under doors if necessary to block light. Load film onto the reel for processing, and seal the reel inside the tank.

4. Process the film, following the time directions in the kit. Make sure to agitate more frequently than you would for black and white film. You should agitate at least every 15 seconds.

5. Remove reel from tank and film from reel. Gently wipe the film to remove excess water and hang to dry.

Tags: black white, Film Home, print film, Slide Film Home, appropriate temperature, black white print