Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Avoid Photo Red Eye

We've all received pictures from the photo lab only to find that the eyes of friends, loved ones and even the family pet have taken on a red glow. Rest assured, this is a problem that can be avoided with relative ease.


Your Camera

1. Attach a flash gun or detachable flash to the camera with a flash cable that connects to the front of most 35 mm cameras through a small socket.

2. Set the shutter speed of a manual camera to 1/60 second using the shutter speed dial on the top-left side of the camera.

3. Set an automatic camera to flash mode and attach a flash gun to the socket on the front of the camera.

4. Hold the flash gun a couple of feet to one side of the camera and slightly above the subject's head.

5. Press the shutter release on top of the camera.

Your Subjects

6. Turn on the lights in the room so that your subjects' pupils will decrease in size.

7. Ask them to look to the side of your camera rather than straight at the camera when you snap the picture.

8. Divert babies or pets so that they look away from the camera.

Tags: shutter speed, side camera