Monday, June 17, 2013

Use A Vivitar 730 Flash Gun

Equipment is crucial to the work of the photographer and one of the most common and important types of photographic equipment is the flash. A camera-mounted flash gun provides light in any setting and with an adjustable flash gun like the Vivitar 730 series, there are many options for flash use. Knowing your Vivitar 730 flash gun properly is vital for capturing quality images.


1. Open the battery compartment located on the side of the flash.

2. Insert 4 AA batteries according to the diagram inside the battery compartment.

3. Close the battery compartment lid. The flash is now ready for use.

4. Attach the flash to the camera by sliding the square base of the flash horizontally into the square flash mount at the top of the camera. The red plastic panel at the front of the flash should be facing the same direction as the camera lens.

5. Tighten the flash in place by screwing the adjuster at the base of the flash.

6. Flip the switch labeled "ON-STBY/OFF" to "ON-STBY". The flash will begin charging for a few seconds. The flash will recharge for a few seconds after every use.

7. Set the type of lens you are using by flipping the switch at the back of the flash to "28" for 28 mm, "35" for 35 mm, "50" for 50 mm, and "85" for 85 mm lenses.

8. Rotate the flash horizontally at its base by pressing the button at the side and twisting the flash.

9. Tilt the angle of the flash by pressing the button at the side of the top of the flash and tilting the flash.

10. Flip the switch labeled "LO / HI" to "LO" for a dimmer flash or to "HI" for a brighter flash.

11. Flip the switch labeled "OFF/STBY" to "OFF" when the flash is not in use.

Tags: battery compartment, flash Flip, flash Flip switch, Flip switch, Flip switch labeled