Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How Make My Cd Player Louder

A CD player's volume relies not only on the technology within the CD player, but also the technology hooked up to the CD player. Many CD player volume control issues-issues relating to the increase or decrease of sound-occur as the result of an equipment issue. Additionally, your perception of sound can play a role: A working CD player at maximum volume may seem quiet to you as the result of noise interference or even a medical condition.


1. Check your CD player's remote control for battery or technical issues. If you don't have a CD player with a remote control, skip this step. Otherwise, swap out the batteries in your CD player's remote control with new batteries and then try the volume. If that doesn't help, reprogram the remote to default settings following the instructions provided in your specific CD player and/or remote control user manual.

2. Tighten the connections running from your CD player to any speakers or other entertainment devices. Loose connections not only impact volume, but also sound quality.

3. Attach new speakers manufactured to provide clearer or better sound quality, as older speakers can create speaker-generated noise pollution such as crackling and hissing caused by wire damage, general wear and speaker malfunction-noise that can alter your perception of volume.

4. Change your current headphones (if applicable) to noise-reduction/noise-canceling audio headphones that feature special ear cushions and other technology that reduces the amount of acoustic noise (noise pollution) that enters your ear from your surroundings so that you can clearly hear your music or other audio. Without this technology, surrounding acoustic noise can make you perceive the volume as low. If you're not using headphones, skip this step.

5. Connect your CD player to an audio amplifier (audio amp)-a device that boosts an audio signal to make it louder-if the volume is still too low.

6. Install a CD player laser lens cleaning disk into your CD player if the volume doesn't improve as a dirty lens can make it difficult for the player to "read" the CD-causing sound distortion, reduced sound quality and other audio issues that can affect volume.

Tags: your player, remote control, player remote, player remote control, player volume