Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Tutorial For Snagit

Snagit is a screen capturing software program for Microsoft Windows developed by TechSmith that enables you to capture screenshots of anything and everything on your computer screen. By capturing your computer screen, you can create user guides to send to your friends, create images and create images from a video file. Download and install Snagit to take advantage of this comprehensive screenshot program. As of 2010, Snagit 10 is the current version of this software.


1. Download and install the free trial version of Snagit (see Resources).

2. Launch Snagit.

3. Open the file you wish to capture by clicking "File," "Open." You can open AVI, image, text and Snagit capture files.

4. Click "Open" to load the file into Snagit.

5. Click a capture profile from the Profiles section. SnagIt has capture profiles or types of capturing modes for you to choose from, such as Full Screen and Copy to Clipboard. The Full Screen capture profile captures the full screen as an image. Copy to Clipboard allows you to choose a specific area on your screen; for instance, you could capture one paragraph of a Web page article or the entire Web page. Play around with each capture profile available to see which one fits your needs.

6. Click "Capture" to create a screen capture in Snagit.

Tags: capture profile, computer screen, Copy Clipboard, create images, Download install, Full Screen