Monday, January 31, 2011

Rip Cassette Music To Digital

After the 1980's, the cassette tape went the way of the dinosaur in favor of the newer digital forms of music on CDs. As technology progressed, we have acquired the ability to listen to music as a digital computer file, removing the need for the CD at all. Many people, however, still have a good portion of their overall music library on cassette tapes. If you are one of these people, its possible to transfer that music to a computer file.


1. Place the RCA cables into the red and white outputs on the tape deck. Place the other end into the audio input on your computer. If the cables are RCA on both sides, plug them into an audio jack converter and then plug the converter into the computer in the microphone input of your sound card.

2. Open your audio recording software, such as Audacity (available at It is free and powerful enough to do what you need. Install it before you record anything. You may also need to install Lame DLL ( This will allow you to save your file as an Mp3.

3. Place a tape in the tape deck. Press the play and the pause button to await input to the computer.

4. Press the record button on the recording software. Once the file is recording, release the pause button on the tape deck.

5. Let the entire side play and stop the tape. Turn the tape over and repeat the process.

6. Once the tape is complete, stop the recording. Save the file as the type you want to use (usually Mp3 or WMA).

Tags: tape deck, computer file, input your, into audio, pause button, recording software