Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Judge The Best Distance For Watching A Large Screen Tv

Sitting too close to your large-screen TV can hinder your TV viewing experience.

Many people assume that the bigger the TV screen, the better. The only limit on size should be price. In fact, the size of your TV should be dependent on the distance from which you plan on viewing it. If you already have your TV, it is too late to choose your set based on viewing distance, but you can still choose your viewing distance by the size of your TV.


1. Set the seating so the viewer has a minimum 30-degree viewing angle of the TV screen. According to Practical Home Theater Guide, "This 30-degree viewing angle has been accepted by many as the standard in home-theater design and motion-picture viewing."

2. Position the seats so that the seating position is between a 26- to 36-degree seating angle. This is according to the THX certification standards.

3. Set the viewing distance so that it is calculated between 2.17 and 1.54 times the screen width. It is believed that within these viewing angle limits, the viewer enjoys a greater viewing experience.

Tags: viewing angle, viewing distance, 30-degree viewing, 30-degree viewing angle, choose your, size your