Monday, September 6, 2010

Smart Card Information

A smart card acts in a similar capacity to a credit card.

People carry pocket-sized cards for a variety of purposes, including identification and a convenient means to access available credit. A smart card uses circuitry to complete similar functions.


A smart card, or ICC (integrated chip card), is a pocket-sized card that contains embedded, integrated circuits. Smart cards have similar dimensions to credit cards, and can interface with external services via card-reading devices such as ATM machines.


Smart cards are typically either microprocessor cards or memory cards. A microprocessor card contain microprocessor components, which allow it to process information like a computer, and memory for data storage. Memory cards contain some basic logic dedicated to security functions and memory storage components.


Smart cards can be used for security, as the circuit logic allows them to hold encrypted keys. An encrypted key is any coded information that is used to obtain access to secure information, and must be deciphered before being used. Smart cards can also be utilized for transactions, and can be used to access credit or cash in a similar fashion to a credit or debit card. Smart cards are also used for identification purposes. Smart cards can store information used to identify a person, such as a digital certificate, that can be encrypted for security purposes.

Tags: Smart cards, cards also, purposes Smart, smart card, Smart cards also