Thursday, December 31, 2009

Make A Robot Craft

A child who loves robots might also enjoy making one as a craft project.

If you have a young child who's interested in robots, one way to further this interest is to make a robot craft out of toilet paper tubes and cardboard boxes. A project like this is ideal for children ages 5 to 12.


1. Choose a box for the robot's body. The best size is about the size of a shoe box. Hold it vertically and cut a hole in the top with your scissors that's just big enough to fit one of the toilet paper tubes. Fold the cardboard that you cut into the box.

2. Tape the toilet paper roll with sticky tape. This will be the robot's neck, so it must be able to hold up the head.

3. Glue a small cardboard box onto the other end of your shoe box. When it's dry, cut two holes for the legs of the robot. Push the extra cardboard back into the box, then tape a toilet paper tube into each of the leg holes.

4. Make the robot's legs longer by taping another toilet paper tube to each of the legs you already have.

5. Tape together two toilet paper tubes for each arm. You won't need to cut out any holes for the arms, because you can glue them straight to the sides of the box. Glue only a quarter of the arms and let the remainder stick out as if the robot is moving its arms.

6. Add a small cardboard box for the head of the robot. Cut a hole to fit the toilet paper tube, but this time, make the hole on the bottom to connect the head with the neck. Tape it into place.

7. Cut out cardboard features to use as the robot's eyes and mouth, and glue them into place. Make the eyes out of two individual egg holders from an egg carton. Simply cut some cardboard to make the mouth.

8. Cut holes in the tops of two small, sturdy cardboard boxes to fit two toilet paper tubes. Tape the feet to the legs of the robot.

9. Spray-paint the entire robot silver. Do this outside to reduce fumes and to avoid getting paint on items in the house. When the paint is dry, the robot is complete.

Tags: toilet paper, paper tubes, toilet paper tubes, paper tube, toilet paper tube, cardboard boxes