Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Remove An At&T Naked Shell With Screen Protector Case From My Iphone 3g

Protecting your Smartphone is the smart thing to do to prolong your device's life span. But sometimes you have to bring your iPhone out into the open for general cleaning and care. The AT&T Naked Shell with a screen protector case for the iPhone 3G works by sliding and locking an electrostatic membrane. Removing the protective case temporarily allows for general maintenance to be performed on the iPhone.


1. Gently flip your iPhone onto its face.

2. Depress the release button on the bottom, side of the back of the casing. The release button is on the underside of the line that runs along the bottom, rear of the case.

3. Slide the portion of the case above the dividing line towards the top of the iPhone while still pressing down on the button. Continue sliding until the back part of the case is removed.

4. Pull the front of the case by its sides from the iPhone's face. The case should be removed from the iPhone.

Tags: from iPhone, Naked Shell, release button, your iPhone