Thursday, October 8, 2009

Homemade Tripods

Make your own tripod.

There are numerous ways to make tripods of assorted sizes with materials from around the home. Wire hangers can be turned into an excellent base for a tripod, are super portable and can be bent as needed without worrying about damage to the tripod. Best of all they are inexpensive and easy to make, and should one break or get lost for some reason, it can be easily replaced with little cost to you. Other forms of portable tripods include ones that can be made to fit your bicycle.


1. Metal wire hangers are used.

Take one of the hangers apart. Measure three 10-inch sections and cut them out with a pair of wire cutters. Do the same with the other hanger so that you will have six 10-inch pieces. Take two pieces, place them evenly next to each other and measure and mark two inches from one of the ends with a marker.

2. Use electrical tape.

Start wrapping electrical tape at the other end of the two pieces together tightly and work up the two 10-inch pieces with the tape; you will be turning the tape around about 35 to 40 times up to the two-inch marker. Take your pliers and place them in the center of this 2-inch space.

3. Pliers are used to tighten the tripod.

Bend this section of untaped wire with the pliers to make an upside down "U" so the wires resemble a skinny candy cane. Repeat steps with the other 10-inch wire pieces until you have three tripod legs. Take a 1/4-inch bolt and wrap electrical tape around the bottom portion ensuring it is wound tightly.

4. Take one of the tripod legs and place the bent 2 inch part on the bolt head and wrap with electrical tape. The wire will come down past the bolt head about 1/2 inch. Wrap the tape around so that the entire 2 inch bent wire is completely covered with tape and attached to the tripod leg.

5. Place camera on tripod.

Take your second tripod leg, place it next to the area you just taped and wrap/attach it with electrical tape to the bolt. Repeat with the last tripod leg until the three legs have encircled the bolt. The hangers can then be bent to stand upright. Place the camera on top to take pictures.

Tags: electrical tape, tape around, 10-inch pieces, bolt head, Place camera, place them, Take your