Friday, July 10, 2009

Fix Er Messages In Portable Cd Players

When using a portable CD player, an internal error is often reported to you on the information screen using the abbreviation "ER." Several different causes generate this error in portable CD players. Many can be fixed easily through procedures that anyone can do. It is important to check your CD player systematically to find and resolve any errors that occur. It is advisable to take the CD player to a professional if simple remedies cannot fix the problem, as digital electronics are complicated; major repairs should be left to a qualified professional.


1. Remove the CD and turn the player off. Do not touch it for several minutes. Sometimes error messages occur randomly or because too many buttons were pushed at once. This happens often when a portable CD player is carried in a bag with other items.

2. Check the CD inside the player to make sure it is not scratched or warped. If it is scratched, you can attempt to clean the disc. Many products are available to help restore CDs at stores like Target and Wal-Mart.

3. Replace the batteries if you are using them. Old batteries that are not supplying enough power to the CD player can sometimes cause an error message.

Remove the batteries and try using the power supply that came with the CD player. Sometimes error messages are due to problems with the components that recognize the batteries.

4. Purchase lens cleaner for the CD player. These products can help to clean the device inside the CD player that reads the information on the CD.

Tags: batteries using, error messages, inside player, portable player, Sometimes error