Friday, June 19, 2009

Compare A Flat Panel Tv With A Flat Screen Tv

With so many types of television sets flooding the market it can be easy to get confused. When you go searching for a new set, you will notice that some are known as flat screen TVs and some are flat panel TVs. Use the tips below when you're ready to hit the shopping trail.


1. Look at the dimensions of the TV. Flat screen TVs are normal tube sets where the screen is "flat" or level instead of being a curved surface, and their overall size is still large. The flat panel TVs also have flat screens but are less bulky than standard flat screen TVs and won't have nearly as much depth.

2. Understand the positioning properly. Flat panel TVs can be mounted on a wall like a painting, whereas the flat screen version is just an ordinary TV with a flat screen that allows for a larger viewing angle.

3. Compare the prices. The tube versions have been evolving around 80 years or so making the technology much more affordable than the non-tube TVs such as the flat panel type. There is a significant price difference between the flat screen and flat panel TVs of similar size.

4. Check the top models of different brands. The technology updates are so rapid that in order to stay in competition, every electronic manufacturing company produces a pretty wide variety of versions and models. The difference is usually the weight along with its features and functions.

5. Match the models between similar brands. Choose between the models that have features you are looking for. Sound, picture resolution and distortion should also play important roles while comparing TVs.

6. Consider the durability factors. The warranty on parts replacement, availability of parts and likely wear and tear are very important when comparing different brands and models.

Tags: flat panel, flat screen, different brands, flat screen, screen flat