Friday, February 13, 2009

Set Up Directv With A Tivo Box

DirecTV is one of several satellite providers who provides a view alternative to cable. Tivo allows you to recover shows and content directly from the television without a VCR or other tape recorder. Unlike an ordinary DVR system that records shows it is instructed to, a Tivo will record shows you may like but don't know are scheduled. For instance, if you like crime dramas but aren't aware of one which airs while you aren't around, the Tivo box will record the show for you to watch and enjoy later.


1. Power down the DirecTV receiver, the Tivo box and the television.

2. Connect a coaxial cable to the DirecTV receiver's "Out" port. Attach the other end of the cable to the Tivo's "In" port. This will make sure all content from the DirecTV receiver runs through the Tivo box so it can be recorded.

3. Connect another coaxial cable to the Tivo's "Out" port and route the other end to the television's coaxial "In" port.

4. Power on all three devices, then adjust the television's channel to three. This is the default station for content being viewed through the coaxial cable "In" port. When you adjust the television stations make sure to use the DirecTV receiver's remote. The television's remote will change the stations of the television, instead of the satellite dish.

Tags: DirecTV receiver, cable Tivo, coaxial cable, adjust television, cable Tivo port