Sunday, February 8, 2009

Refinish Cds

Compact discs, commonly known as CDs, are delicate objects. A drop or misguided touch can put a scratch on your favorite band's disc and a damper on the playback. Scratches on the backside of a CD can cause skipping, damage information on a data disc or even ruin a CD altogether if not fixed immediately. The immediate fix to a scratch is an expensive repair kit or new CD. But with a few products found at home and a little care and concentration, you can refinish your CD without breaking the bank.


1. Locate the scratches on the back of the disc while disc is lying on a flat surface. The process should not be done on spots that do not require it.

2. Apply a small amount of the metal polish to a microfiber cloth or eyeglass wipe.

3. Gently wipe the polish onto the scratch in a radial pattern, starting at the innermost point of the scratch and ending at the outermost. Continue this motion for about five to 10 minutes, until the scratch begins to disappear, adding more polish as necessary, applying minimal pressure to the disc.

4. Wipe off excess polish with a clean cloth and let dry for about five minutes. Wipe off again with a clean cloth to assure that you've remove the product.

5. Apply a drop Vaseline to a clean cloth and apply to the disc in the same radial method as the metal polish for two minutes or less.

6. Remove excess Vaseline with a clean cloth. Let dry for about five minutes.

Tags: clean cloth, about five, about five minutes, five minutes, with clean