Friday, February 6, 2009

Determine The Size Of A Camera Lens Cap

Determining the size of your lens cap is as easy as finding the information on your lens.

The excitement and rush of a fast-paced photo shoot can cause photographers to make a common mistake -- lose their lens cap. Lens caps are small and can fall out of camera bag pockets, get stuck under partitions and find themselves anywhere else you can think of. It isn't difficult to replace your lost lens caps as most camera stores sell loose lens caps. Back lens caps are brand and type specific, but front lens caps aren't simply determined by the size of the lens.


1. Locate the number beside "mm" on your lens filter. Your front lens cap will be the same number in "mm." If you don't have a lens filter, look for an "O" with a backslash through it. The number beside it will be the size of your front lens cap.

2. Find the brand and type for your camera. This will determine which back lens cap to get.

3. Go to a camera store and purchase your lens caps. You can also find many online camera stores that will carry what you need.

Tags: lens caps, your lens, front lens, brand type, camera stores, lens filter