Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Clean An Lcd Hdtv Screen

Most HDTVs you'll find in major electronics stores have either LCD or plasma screens. The LCD screen can be ideal for viewing a crisp picture since it has little to no glare. However, a bit of dust or dirt can disrupt your clear view and could eventually damage the screen. Don't grab the Windex and paper towels. These screens require extra care and a gentle cleaning solution to keep them functioning at their best.


1. Take a large bucket or mixing bowl and pour in two cups of table vinegar or isopropyl alcohol and two cups of lukewarm water. Don't use tap water, since it can have minerals or additives that could show up as deposits on your screen. Instead go for distilled water or at the very least filtered water. Stir the cleaning solution with a large spoon and add more solution at equal parts if you have a very large TV. A 52 inch screen may used up to four cups of each liquid solution.

2. Put your lint-free cloth in the bowl and soak it in the solution. Then wring it out so it's damp but there's no water dripping off of it. Finally, wipe your screen using gentle pressure, from left to right in even rows, like you would if mowing the lawn. If there are spots that are especially dirty, concentrate on them but never push harder or touch the screen with your fingers. Just keep swiping over them until you remove the soil. Once you're done, use a clean cloth to dry the screen.

3. Buy a screen cleaning kit made especially for LCD TVs if your cleaning solution can't remove a stubborn stain. Many heavy duty ones can help you wipe off ink, marker or crayon.

Tags: cleaning solution, your screen