Monday, November 8, 2010

Convert A Geocode

Convert longitude and latitude into street addresses.

Geocoding is the process of converting street addresses into latitude and longitude values. Navigation software uses geocoding to route users to a specific point using an address, rather than having users enter the latitude and longitude of their destinations. Reverse geocoding allows you to do just the opposite--you can convert longitude and latitude values into street addresses. If you need to reverse geocode raw longitude and latitude coordinates, locate a wide selection of free reverse geocoding utilities on the Web.



1. Convert multiple geocodes at once, using Batchgeo's reverse geocoding utility. Copy and paste the geocodes into the field beneath the utility's "Step 2" heading.

2. Click on the "Validate & Set Options" button. Review the list of geocodes to ensure the latitudes and longitudes are sorted under the correct heading.

3. Correct any mislabeled data using the menu boxes under "Step 3." For example, if phone numbers were sorted under the latitude heading, select the "Phone Numbers" option from the "Latitude" menu box to correct the issue.

4. Click on the "Run Geocoder" button to convert the geocodes into addresses.

Steve Morse

5. Convert the geocode using Steve Morse's Web-based geocode utility. Enter the geocode's longitude and latitude into the utility's "longitude" and "latitude" field.

6. Check the box labeled "Access /" to increase the accuracy of the conversion.

7. Click on the "Determine Address" button to convert the geocode.


8. Convert the geocodes to addresses using the TravelGIS free utility. Type the longitude and latitudes into their respective fields, above the "Reverse Geocode" button.

9. Enter your universal address into the utility's "Universal Address" fields as an alternative to entering the longitude and latitude.

10. Click on the "Reverse Geocode" button to generate an address from the geocode.

Tags: longitude latitude, street addresses, button convert, Geocode button, geocode longitude, geocode longitude latitude, geocodes into